Crates applied to robotics, ROS, etc.
Definitions and algorithms for response-time analysis of real-time systems
Build custom firmware for simple robotic automation
A libary to create (valid) Robot descriptions
Wrapper for the v2 API.
A pure Rust implementation of the Robot Operating System (ROS) core.
This crate parses ROS package manifest (also known as package.xml)
Customizable conversions for working with sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.
ROS2 client library based on RustDDS
Utilities for handling MSG and SRV files in ROS2
Utilities for reading ROS bag files.
An library for interfacing with the ROS's rosbridge_server
An library for generating rust type definitions from ROS IDL files
A tool for generating source code from ROS message definitions
dynamic_reconfigure implementation for rosrust
Derive macros for ros_pointcloud2 crate.
Rust Robotics ToolKit
RRTK Stream Builder
Inverse and forward kinematics for 6 axis robots with a parallel base and spherical wrist.
Ruckig motion planning library for Rust
Rust interface to the Bullet Physics SDK simmilar to PyBullet
Compiles bullet3 and exposes rust bindings to the C API
NMEA (0183) parser and information library for Rust.
Native Rust DDS implementation with RTPS
Package to communicate with Dynamixel motors.
Package to generate S-Curve trajectories for robotics and similar applications
A library for interfacing with Dimension Engineering's Sabertooth motor drivers.
A modular, safe and data-orientated rust wrapper over the Purdue PROS library for Vex Robotics
safe_drive: Formally Specified Rust Bindings for ROS2
A transpiler from ROS2's message types to Rust's types.
Abstractions for sample consensus algorithms such as RANSAC