Protocol implementations for implications in space like CCSDS.
CCSDS spacecraft data stream decoding
Implementation of the CCSDS Primary Header for space applications
This library attempts to implement a general-purpose parser for Space Packets that can interperet both the generic aspects of the space packet protocol (i.e. the Primary Header) in addition to any custom fields supplied within the Secondary Headers. Although, this library currently just does Primary Headers, the future goal is to make it a more comprehensive SpacePacket parser.
High level CCSDS File Delivery Protocol components
DVB-GSE (Digital Video Brodcast Generic Stream Encapsulation)
File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport (FLUTE)
Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication)
Generate images of the Arecibo message with a user-provided population and genome size
A Rust library for implementing Forward Error Correction (FEC) using Raptor codes.
Reed-Solomon FEC for CCSDS downlink decoding
A framework to build software for remote systems
Core components of the sat-rs framework to build software for remote systems
Helper crate of the sat-rs framework to build a mission information base (MIB) from the On-Board Software (OBSW) code directly.
Spacecraft metadata
Spacecraft metadata
A CCSDS compliant spacepacket en/de-coder with CRC and Sink/Stream support.
Generic implementations for various CCSDS and ECSS packet standards
SSDV systematic erasure FEC
SSDV systematic erasure FEC (Galois field table generator proc-macros)
Library to work with two-line element set files